Saturday, November 2, 2013

say good morning to me!!

Its 8:20am and im still on my bed... its like I couldn't get up because i could feel my heart and my head is loaded with so much weight (i know! So early for drama!) ..I want to sleep back but I just can't.. whats wrong with me or whats wrong with the world??

I want no more drama, im so sick of it, i just hate myself ranting, frowning and breaking as if the world would give a damn care!! As if it would stop and freeze because I'm being left behind... I know it wont, it never will... even the people you'd expect to be there for you will never care... and its nobody's obligation to cheer you up... its just you and yourself... and don't be so harsh with yourself because you're not the only person who's been hurting.

There I go again... hahahaha... I'm fine, im truly am, i may not be happy right now, but Im alright... 

Thats it! Because i'm done with my sentiments, i can rise from bed now and face this beautiful cruel world....

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