Friday, November 15, 2013

a beautiful night

I just got home. And while walking home, i've  noticed that the sky is clear and there are few stars,  i haven't seen the night as beautiful as that... i felt like a child again, i know im such a baby and a hopeless romantic, i know i am! But stars are truly a beautiful scenery to me.. it always makes me feel good. I think that's the big dipper or the small dipper i guess i saw earlier.. or i'm just imagining.. hehe

I miss home.. i miss my childhood days.. i miss hanging out with my siblings at our rooftop, watching the myriad of stars, waiting for shooting stars, yes, i've seen one! No maybe twice or thrice if I remember it right.. the night there at the province was beautiful, unlike here in the big city, its polluted and the air is cloaked with smog, so if ever you'll see the sky with less than a hundred of stars, its already amazing!

When was the last time i had seen the night sky sparks? Where the stars are countless, cant even remember.... if air pollution would worsen, i might not see it again.

Good night!!!

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