Monday, November 11, 2013

My Sympathy and Prayers to the Victims of Typhoon Yolanda

What had happened to Philippines, particularly to Visayas Areas was so terrifying. It's actually beyond my imagination, seeing those  videos on the internet showing the destruction made by typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) could bring tremors on my system. It's like, its only possible on movies. What if you were somewhere at  one of those most affected areas at that moment? I could only thank God, I was not.

 (photo not mine)

The said super typhoon was announced to be hitting the Philippines earlier last week, especially the Central part of the Philippines.. I think somehow residents had prepared for that, but most houses in these areas were made of light Materials, and even the Concrete Establishments were not not able to stand still . And the typhoon was indeed monstrous as they defined it. For that one day, its seems like they we're isolated and thrown somewhere, electricity and means of communication had
shut down. They were helpless! And we haven't heard of them for that one day of torture..

Seeing the news of what was left and wrecked is so heartbreaking! Death toll is still increasing. Countless is still missing. The looks of those affected are so distressing. Until today, some couldnt locate their family members, they don't even know if they are alive or not, clueless and almost hopeless. I know how hard it is to be just waiting and couldn't do a thing..  I have friends who have their relatives there and If only I know how to lighten up their burdens, then I'll give it a try.

My sympathy and prayers to the victims. For the survivors, keep strong. I hope my small donations could help.

I thank God that the people I love are safe.

It makes me think that I don't have the right to feel ungrateful and sad about my own problems at the moment, its totally nothing compared to those victims at Visayas.. I hope they could cope up easily.

God bless us all.

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