Sunday, June 29, 2014

Ramadhan Mubarak

Best time to observe the fasting during Ramadhan is with your family, but I've been doing it for so many years  away from them, away from people with same religion and  culture as mine.. 

Its hard for me especially when I have my work and I will be the one to prepare my food when I'll get to my apartment.. (in other Muslim areas, work schedules are minimized but not my schedule here) then I will wake up at dawn.. (sometimes I couldn't wake up and no one's waking me up.. just my alarm), unlikely when you're home, somebody's helping me out.. But its okay, I'm just saying that no matter how tough it is I'm not excusing myself from doing so and I should accept it because its part of my fasting...

This month is when most Muslims are rejoicing, its been said that Gates to Heaven are open and Hell is closing. It's one of the most awaited months despite the fact that you have to starve your self at day and restrain from doing other things that you you usually do.. Its also the best time to repent, to ask forgiveness, to forgive, to get cleansed and renewed and to get your self free from unwanted thoughts.

I know I'm still ignorant about my religion, I still have to learn more. I'm being ashamed not to answer queries about Islam and its making me guilty. I maybe wrongly worship God, maybe I'm not doing it in the proper way but I believed in Him at the way  I can  and I am trying...

 Its difficult, mostly when you live in a place surrounded by things that drag me far from my belief, but I was really trying hard to avoid what is forbidden.. despite me being human, I'm still remembering not to be sinful and that I must be kind..

I know by now, I still couldn't stand firmly and couldn't fight back when people criticize our religion, maybe I'm not at position yet to do my rebuttals  against those who don't really understand,  to those who are being judgmental, to those who see only what they wanna see,  but someday I hope I could..

In this month of Ramadhan, I hope I can also be forgiven by God and by people whom I wronged with... I'm also trying my best to ease the hate and the negative energy from my deepest.. So help me God.


My readings for today:

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Dahil may signal na!

 My first received messages! --from my sister and my boss who's also overwhelmed na may signal na.

 Its been more than a year that I didn't have a working signal here at our office at the basement 4... may signal dati pero di naman nagwowork..  But finally, now its working!

Bat nga ba ako natuwa?? E wala naman akong katext.. hahaha... mas gamit ko yung wifi namin..

Dapat nga ba akong matuwa e wala na akong excuse sa mga makukulit na subcon, suppliers, pati yung h.o namin na diko narereceive yung mga messages nila! Haha.. im so bad.. joke lang pero medyo totoo..

Oo nga... ang babaw ko, pati eto pinopost ko.. ahaha

Monday, June 23, 2014

Parang Wanted Lang!!

Just got home... my friend asked me to accompany her to the globe store and to buy dress too... at dahil nainip ako sa kahihintay sa kanya sa fitting room... eto ang nangyari! Hahaha parang wanted lang..

Grabe na tong pagseselfie ko.. hindi na nakakabuti... hindi naman ako maganda... hahaha... di bale na.. ako lang naman nakakaalam.. at tsaka ikaw...  buti na lang di ka pwede magreklamo baka pinagtabuyan mo na rin ako.. wala namang ganung rules dito sa blogger na bawal to.

Good night!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Today's World's Most Bored Girl

Yes, I think I am the most bored person in the whole wide world today... but I'm not complaining... I'm okay...

I woke up late.. I cooked. Yes I did...

I just went out to pick up my laundry and send another bunch..

I had a merienda at Mc Donalds... shake shake fries my new favorite!

Then to complete my day... here's an annoying selfie from yours truly... just don't mind my pimples! Especially that one at the center... (parang dart board lang yung mukha ko.. bulls eye! Haha)... and the "I like Vigan" shirt, thanks to lee!

Wish I could go to Vigan too... and the places somewhere in the North... (pati na rin sa South, East and West haha).. hayst, I'm daydreamig again... I wish I am somewhere not here in my room... If time permits, I wish I could go travel more... and ofcourse I need lots and lots of money to waste... hahaha... If I'll win in a lottery, I'm gonna spend half of it circumscribing the globe, and ofcourse I'm gonna quit my job so I have all the time in the world... (tulog na ba ako?? Haha.. tsaka pano mangyayari yun, di naman ako tumataya sa lotto, so echos lang pala to).

I really wish I could before everything gets too late..

That's it!  Good night my dear diary!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Its too fast! Its Saturday


I'm working.. yes, I am..  haha.. I'm just really sleepy..

I wanna know how would they want to have a coffee by nodw.

12:29 pm
Look, my review on Agoda about our hotel in cambodia... I wish I had written more.. haha


Just got home! I paid my bills and had some groceries at the nearby Save More... 

9:11 pm

Now watching Miracle in Cell #7...  will this really gonna make me cry? Nakakaiyak daw kase to.

11:23 pm

They won, I said I wont cry on this.. but I did.... sabi ko kase hindi mababaw yung luha ko (haha.. but i heard myself whispering, sinungaling! Ang babaw kaya ng luha mo! Haha)

Fine! But I think its a stupid movie, haha.. sorry to say, but I think it is... it made me feel outraged, it broke my heart and it made me burst into tears... in sympathy and in madness as well....  I hope I didn't make a negative impression in saying its a stupid one... It's nice but...... ewan ko, basta, diko maexplain.. haha...

The father was impaired and mentally challenged, plus the fact that he was innocent, and yet he was sentenced to death... is that possible?? Then it took ages  before he gain his justice, when everything was too late... kelangan lumaki muna yung anak nya... life indeed is unfair! Haha.. affected ako??!

Remember the last time I cried on a movie? Its the "Wedding Dress", and for me that's more heartbreaking than this one... I wasn't able to manage my tears from falling in front of my friends which I don't usually do, diko kinayang pigilan.. hahaha... but this time, I was crying all by myself, okay lang! Haha

That would  be all for today..


Friday, June 20, 2014


I think I heard myself laugh a lot today...

Then had this Friday Bonding Moment with my friends..

And a tambay to our Tambayan, its been a while since we had stopped by here... and this "inlabo" girl whom I thought I knew everything about her lovelife... di naman pala.. she just cracked her silence today na may boyfriend na pala sya...  anyway, we are happy for her, I'm happy for her, i hope that this is the moment she's been waiting for...


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tired Much!

I must be really tired I think I'm out of my mind...

That one point at your life you think you're missing something, you're missing someone, you feel like something is wrong....

I think I'm just tired... Everything's gonna be just fine...

Monday, June 16, 2014

Manic Monday again!


Hayst, why Monday is really making me sad?  that weight in my heart I can't explain... I hate that feeling.. but I'll try not to let it take my everything today... I'll start working on my  cost report.


And they've missed me... why? Haha

6:15 pm
Hungry much


Just nonsense with my sister
Thank you Spotify! These songs are making me more corny ..hahaha.. and I don't know if its a good idea..

10:07 pm
My goodnight! Sleep well.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

My First Trip to Siem Reap Cambodia

I had booked this flight a month ago, and because I wasn't planning to get an agency to arrange my itineraries, I had read a lot about Siem Reap.. I made my own itinerary...

I really preferred to be in that place despite the comments  of other people like "what will you do there?" What can you get there?, Is it safe?" ... I'm aware that Siem Reap is not that progressive yet, not a big City as well, (it's okay, I'm not a City girl too, not even a gadget and shopaholic girl... its not my line of interest, I just want to travel and learn the way of living in other places)..

If you take a night flight, you can see from above just before you touch down, few lights, no towering establishments... but there was something about the place that's inviting me to come...

Tuesday night when we arrived at Siem Reap International Airport, Travel time is 2 hours and 40 mins from Philippines.. we have 1 hour time difference.

I was planning to have a solo travel but my mom wouldn't allow me ( I'm not a baby anymore! Haha), but not that brave enough to be alone too, and I needed someone to take pictures of me so I asked my friend to come.. haha! Here's my first picture at Siem Reap International Airport.

I emailed our Hotel confirming our arrival and asked them to assist us find a reliable Tuk Tuk driver (their means of transportation, that's their very own version of taxi) to fetch and accompany us for  our trip.. and they didn't fail me...

Wednesday. To see the sunrise at Angkor Wat was at first on my list...we went out at 5am but unfortunately, the morning was gloomy... but still, Angkor Wat is a real beauty!..

Then we headed to Angkor Thom (Bayon and the other temples around it). 

We entered at the South Gate and our exit at the Victory Gate.

Next stop, Chau Say Thevoda and Thommanom

Then the famous Ta Phrom, its where Angelina Jolie shoot the Tomb Raider. This place was being taken over by these big trees..

Our next destination was Bantay Srei, and it is
quiet far from Angkor proper, about 45 minutes.. but I don't really mind... we needed to rest our tired feet and feel the open air while on board the Tuktuk.

Pre Rup- my favorite but I think that's the main reason why my legs still aches up to now.... but though I really had a hard time climbing and going down, its still worth it... its breathtaking up there.

Bantay Kdei - I met this girl at this area.. She welcomed us doing the "tour guide thing".... I knew from the start that she will be selling us souvenirs... she was the one who taught me to pose at the window.. haha

yes, in every temple you'll visit, there will always be children to offer you buy post cards and souvenirs... Good for you if you wish to buy and you want to help them but if you don't have enough money, prepare your alibis... mine was... "I bought already, I'm sorry I'm not buying, I got no money, I can't go back to my country" haha

If I remembered it right, that was our last stop for that day and we returned to our hotel... Here's our place looks like.. its Motherhome Inn that I reserved thru Agoda online booking.

Sweet sky, the rain poured when we were already at the hotel.. we jumped out into the Swimming Pool when no one was around, its all ours! Maybe because it was raining, and I was having a great time, feeling the rain like a child again.

At night, we visited the well known Night Market and Pub street, had a delicious dinner at one of the resto there.. I got no picture because it was raining still and I didn't bring my camera and my phone.

Thursday. We left our hotel at 7am and headed to the Rolous Group (Lolei, Preah Ko and Bakong)


Preah Ko


According to our Tuktuk driver, these 3 temples were among those oldest.... and most part already collapsed.

Then we got back somewhere near Angkor.

East Mebon...It's a bit like Pre Rup... we had a quick stop up there to rest... I think I've sweat enough at this trip.

Ta Som

Neak Pean.. I love the body of water just when before you reached the main temple.. It looks like scenery on the movies where an anaconda or a crocodile would come out! Haha..

Preah Khan.. Its a bit creepy here especially we arrived at mid noon when everyone must be having their lunch break somewhere... we thought at first that we're alone there... we were the only one who entered that gate.. I remembered the "wrong turn" movies...haha.. that's what I get in watching that! We couldn't turn back because our service was waiting on the other side.. and its like forever when we saw other tourists, maybe they've entered on the other gate.

When we were done exploring the temples, which I hope I didn't interchange the pictures while narrating here, (I had a hard time remembering them because other temples resembled each other)..., we went back to the main town.. we roamed around and had a quick dropped by at Pagoda and Siem Reap National Park.

Siem Reap was a simple town, maybe their country is not one of the richest, (Metro Manila is even a way much developed), but they were one of those who got civilized first... Seeing those ruins, I was so amazed, how on earth they constructed that  during those days? That's unbelievable but they've built it! ..I can see that most parts of these structures were being renovated, supported with scaffolds and other  construction materials, some are totally wrecked and ruined. I hope they could still preserve it so the next generations would see them too.

I loved being there.. I love the serenity and simplicity of their place... The people are really friendly,  cost of living is lower than Philippines I think...see? I still have this foreign money when we left, yey!.. haha... US dollars is widely used, 1 dollar =  4000 Riel.

I wish I could go back... We've been there for just 2 days and 3 nights, I don't know why I felt really sad when we left. Could it be because I just loved it there or because I don't wanna go back to work! Haha

By the way, here's more pictures.

Our Tuktuk Driver -- Adam, he was a big help, he's just not our driver but our tourist guide as well.. 

More selfie with my official photographer, oh I mean my friend (na tumetrending ang profile picture sa Facebook).. haha

Here's Captured pictures why I love this place.., its marvelous!

This is how funny I looked like everytime I go down at the very steep steps of these temples... How could others just walked down normally but I just can't???... I need to get myself a good grip at the sides... Its making me paranoid that I would fall or slide (ang arte lang kase).

My Angkor Pass.. I think I looked like a "malditang" witch here... You have to keep your pass at all times...  

A couple maybe having a prenup pictorial

The simple living

The people

There you go.. Thank you Siem Reap, Cambodia!! Till we meet again.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

G.O.T: Season 4 Episode 9

Just done watching this and my heart went upside down, my hand got cold.... (O.A noh? Haha... pero totoo)... I want to stop watching because I couldn't breath well. (mas O.A)..

Glad Jon Snow survived because I love him much! Haha