Sunday, June 29, 2014

Ramadhan Mubarak

Best time to observe the fasting during Ramadhan is with your family, but I've been doing it for so many years  away from them, away from people with same religion and  culture as mine.. 

Its hard for me especially when I have my work and I will be the one to prepare my food when I'll get to my apartment.. (in other Muslim areas, work schedules are minimized but not my schedule here) then I will wake up at dawn.. (sometimes I couldn't wake up and no one's waking me up.. just my alarm), unlikely when you're home, somebody's helping me out.. But its okay, I'm just saying that no matter how tough it is I'm not excusing myself from doing so and I should accept it because its part of my fasting...

This month is when most Muslims are rejoicing, its been said that Gates to Heaven are open and Hell is closing. It's one of the most awaited months despite the fact that you have to starve your self at day and restrain from doing other things that you you usually do.. Its also the best time to repent, to ask forgiveness, to forgive, to get cleansed and renewed and to get your self free from unwanted thoughts.

I know I'm still ignorant about my religion, I still have to learn more. I'm being ashamed not to answer queries about Islam and its making me guilty. I maybe wrongly worship God, maybe I'm not doing it in the proper way but I believed in Him at the way  I can  and I am trying...

 Its difficult, mostly when you live in a place surrounded by things that drag me far from my belief, but I was really trying hard to avoid what is forbidden.. despite me being human, I'm still remembering not to be sinful and that I must be kind..

I know by now, I still couldn't stand firmly and couldn't fight back when people criticize our religion, maybe I'm not at position yet to do my rebuttals  against those who don't really understand,  to those who are being judgmental, to those who see only what they wanna see,  but someday I hope I could..

In this month of Ramadhan, I hope I can also be forgiven by God and by people whom I wronged with... I'm also trying my best to ease the hate and the negative energy from my deepest.. So help me God.


My readings for today:

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