Monday, June 22, 2015

Girl thing..

Today, I couldn't perform the fasting because.... I have my period. Oh, is it proper to post on the web that I have my monthly cycle?? .. well,it doesn't matter.. I have my period! It's between you and me anyway.. hehe

I was hesitant whether to show my officemates that I don't fast today or just pretend that I am.... but I decided to eat my meal in front of everyone.. why would I pretend anyway.. ? For those, who do not know, we can't perform fasting if we have our menstrual period... but have to repay the days we missed after the the Ramadan..

So, because I wasn't discreet about me not fasting today.. everyone was curious.. and though I'm a little not comfortable telling them, particularly the boys , that I have my period -- I had to. Because they kept on inventing reasons why I'm not.. They can't even believe that its valid not to fast in times like this... It's really hard when everybody surrounds you has a religion not like yours.

But when my boss learned that I am not fasting today, he figured out that I have my period.. I was surprised, I never told him about that.. he was the only one in the office who knew that when you have your period, you're not allowed to fast.. It's just nice to know  that someone, out of everyone, knows something about us... and our nurse too... so, it's the two of them pala.

Today, I tried to crack a joke with someone ... Someone I'm actually not comfortable with... and a blank reaction is what I got from that person... maybe that person didn't get my point or just found my joke so corny... then I heard myself telling me "go! Just get out from here, what we're you doing, it's better to shut up sometimes"... haha, ako na lang yung natawa sa sarili ko.

Thats all for today! GOOD NIGHT!

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