Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Ramadan Mubarak 2015

Celebrating the Holy Month for the 5th time here in Manila.. away from home, away from my family, away from everyone or everything that would remind me its Ramadan.. it's one of the challenging and yet rewarding experience in my life.

Doing it here without a helping hand particularly in preparing food for Iftar  and Suhoor (also the waking up, no one would wake me up if my alarm fails to), and I eat alone (because my brother have conflicting work schedule with mine) I admit its hard, and its part of it.

Yes, it's okay.. I may not be with my family, I may not be at the place where every corner you look at you know its Ramadan, .. but I'm gonna face it.. it's only a test. it's time to repent, time to refrain myself from doing earthly matters, to forgive and to ask forgiveness, to be more kind and patient, to feel the sacrifices of those who starve so I'll learn the value of giving... the value of life itself.

So here's my prayer:

I hope my sins will be forgiven... I hope  I will be forgiven by anyone I hurt... and pray that my heart will be cleared from hatred as well.

May I feel the Holiness of this Month..may I feel its essence though I know its tough to do it here
I pray for my loved ones..

I pray for wisdom and peace of mind. For the things that I don't really understand and for the things that I can't have, I ask God to help me  accept it if the reasons are not yet  time to be revealed..

I pray for a lighter heart. To let go and to hold on... whatever I should do, I ask God to grant me the wisdom which path to take.

I pray for that courage to do what I'm supposed to do.

I pray for the people in the world who suffer from any form of pain...

Yah Allah.. Alhamdulillah for everything... Please guide me to the right track.

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