Saturday, November 14, 2015



In the midst of me being busy with this and that...on my screen is this...

Working + Looking for a destination and a place to stay on the APEC holidays + YouTube + Blogger + Flights Check + these empty spaces in this office. ---- but I'm swearing I'm fine with it. I thought when most of my officemates will be transferred to other projects sites then I will be really lonely ... yes, I am, but I'm fine, I think I'm just alone but not really lonely.....and I love the freedom... but this will end soon, I will be transferred too... shouldn't I be happy? nah.. don't ask.

I've been thinking of what if I'm doing the things I truly love, if I wasn't a Cost Engineer now.. maybe I'm chasing my real passion... wow! now I know that? haha.. I think I knew it long time ago.. just didn't realize it.

I think I've said this before, I wanna be a TRAVEL BLOGGER!... I'm terrible in writing and the hesitance in traveling in a strange place is something I haven't overcome the fact that no matter how numerous flights I had, I'm still not used to it, I still fear taking the airplane... those flights from SG to Penang and KL to Phil are my worst and since then, my fear grew even more ... Ironic right????? so how will I be able to get through the wall that would welcome me into that world I'm wanting so much...  how? when things are too late now...

Anyway... in my own way.. I'm writing.. and I'll be traveling.. maybe not professionally, not  too far away, and not today... but somehow, I will... SO HELP ME GOD.

P.S. What's going on in Paris? I'd love to get there too... but for now, all we can do is to pray not only for Paris, but for the Earth to become a better place... with better people.., correct that.. with better people to have a better place... and if it gets better, then maybe travelling is less dramatic. (for me!)

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