Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I am me

I am me

I am tall, I am thin

Beautiful? Doubtful

Only insecure

Love my self?

Only when I win

I am unpredictable

Not so strong

Not even weak

But strength is still nowhere to be found

The truth is I dont really know who I am

Bitter? Yes, to some memories

I have so many regrets

Better remember happy days

I write stories, that was then

Im a civil engineer, poor in numbers

I am author, also the only reader

The criticizer

I love life?

Ofcourse I  must..

I love my family

The reason why I want to live

Waiting for a soulmate that  maybe doesnt exist

Hopeless romantic, only the fools

But Im a fool

I love the world

So many reasons to

I love the blue sky

I love the mountain

I love the deep blue sea, but afraid  of it

I love the oceans, serenity

The wind, so good to feel it touch my skin

I love the trees, the highest pine tree

The stars at night, i cant stop wishing

I love the rain

 also the snow, hope to feel it too

I love to travel, im stuck here

I love happy movies

Also the sad, feels good to cry sometimes

I hate the world

I hate seeing those people hurting, dying

Poor, poor people makes me hate the rich

I hate my random thoughts, cant help it

Somebody told me Im a paradox

Whatever it is

I EXIST...........

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