Monday, July 27, 2009


Mindanao State University---- way back 2001, I was suffering intensely from home sickness,  the place is about 4 hour drive away from home... But that was my first time being separated from my family... Taking up Electronics and Communications Engineering then shifted to Civil Engineering was really a tough thing.... Been to pressures, sleepless nights, and shed ocean of tears.. (hahaha).. swear I did... who did not???, I was not only trained there academically.... but also the way of living... If I let my weakness and fears whip me, then probably I wont be a survivor of MSU...but behind the hardships of finishing my degree... there are so many memories I can always cling on.... many wonderful things that happened to me there... my friends, the place itself, the foods, the weather, my dormitory, and a lot more... I know that my physical, social, emotional and spiritual experiences in the place would lead me into better, stronger and independent person.

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