Tuesday, July 28, 2009

to give up or not to give up

When to know you must give up?? They said, you must hold on to things you are so eager to have...  what if it wasn’t meant for you?..... then your time wasted... what about the virtue of  patience?..... it’s all about waiting..... endurance ...... what for?? How will you know youre in the right track?......... if you give up, you might regret... what if you gave up on the 30th  day...... and what you waited for came on the following day???....you’ll tell me, it wasn’t meant to be.....

Well, since no one will answer me here... i’ll answer the question whose also raised by me....well, that’s what life all about is... no one can ever forsee  the future... even fortune tellers tell us that we are still the one whose responsible for the fate in our palms! So, what are we suppose to do now?? Maybe, do what we think that could make us happy.... and hell, with the consequences! Haha.. if you are tired of whatever, then do something else... life is too short, you might be waiting for the rest of your life!!!... but if you’re happy of waiting, then be it!!! ........you always hear the thought of “it wasn’t  meant for you”,  but this one really effective.... coz we have no choice to.... just believe it instead of growling and grumbling around... the world wont give a damn listening to your complains... whether your hurt or not, it will continue rotating and revolving... haha.. about the regret matter, no doubt, this really what hinders us to take risk... but are we not regretting when everything is too late in not doing any action...? we need to give a try... we need to take actions.. we will not be able to know if we’re trudging the right path if we wont keep on moving... whether the things we stew and fret about will happen or never... at least we do what we ought to do ... afterall life is about failing and winning...  and one thing, if you ever trudge the wrong way, surely there’s a path there to take you to the right way... Faith will light our way....

Anyway, comments there? Sometimes it’s good to hear encouraging words from others than to your very own self...

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