Sunday, July 26, 2009


did I ever fell in love?? hahaha.. funny question.. at my age, its really funny.. I dont even want to answer it... all i know is, my heart has been broken many times... dont get me wrong here... I'm referring to my crushes only, I've got lots of them during college days, but none of them became my real love... they were not even close to me nor formally acquianted to me...  I can say that I was merely infatuated to them but I have this "one", my only crush who became a friend.. he's one of those good people I met from the very first day I stepped in my University....and until now he's been so special to me, although I'm not seeing him anymore.. he's really a good person, his only fault is hurting me without him knowing he's breaking my heart... (ew, haha, still unsual to me saying this thing)...ofcourse, it was not his fault... I hope he's happy now...

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