Thursday, July 23, 2009

An ambush questions

1. What food did you intake today?
1 cup of rice, grilled chicken liver, 1 sliced pineapple mini pie, 1 sliced banana cake, 12oz bad cheeta's drink- mountain dew, 
3 not riped mangoes, 1 small mr. Chips, 1 small red chippy, hot chili pancit canton, bread, sakto coke-im glad that size now exist
ofcourse mineral water and potencee............ Healthy???
2. What's on your purse?
haha.. Really messy.. 5 poten-cee tablets and the receipt, 2 neozep tablet and the receipt too, scratch small papers, 
diffrent receipt-dont mind what are those, i'll throw it now, spare keys, 2 ballpens, and an amout of P341.75cents- dont tell
me i have to break it down.... Anyway, my only cash left.... Im so poor...
3. In your wallet?
My wallet?? No cash in it... Poor me... My two atm cards, the one is active while the other is not, it slightly bended, its the one i used there
in MSU, my 4th year highscool id- I still have it,  my college id, my MSU alumni id, my old nokia 7610 card-I've been keeping it
more than two years now, my mom's RCBC atm card, my prc id, another reciept of sorts- i dont know why i love keeping thrashes,
pay slip of my salaries in my previous job- again a waste..... That's all....
4. Did you hate a person today?
nope... I was kinda disgusted with the price of "marang" this fruit vendor selling...........soooo expensive.... But I dont hate her...
5. Did you read anything today?
A news paper, classified ads to be specific.............. The ADZ UNLIMITED and MINDANAO INSIDER
6. What are you wearing right now?
A blue jag shirt, really old shirt, actually a friend gave it to me... Paired with a knee level ragged shorts, actually its an old pants
of my sister... 
7. What sounds you hear right now?
the sound of my ceiling fan, the murmuring voices in the other room, the music in my media player... Eheads with "pare ko" to be specific..
8. How does the sky looked like now?
Its cloudy dark night.......... I saw only one star.......
9. What's the craziest thing you did today?
I havent done any crazy thing today, that I believe so.... Actually, this day is wasted, accomplishing nothing reasonable
oh, can that be considered crazy????
10. What's that thing you wish to do right now??
Right now? I wish I could sleep but I think I am experiencing insomnia nowadays....haha.. Maybe watch a movie, 
HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE........... But no way at this point of time.


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