Thursday, April 21, 2011


Who says I couldn’t beat boredom??  I love holidays but the world-weariness is bringing me to the edge of my sanity… hahaha… but  honestly, I love boredom too sometimes, you know, having time for yourself alone, thinking, reminiscing, reflecting and whatever it takes.

I could have regret for not getting home at this point of time, so to get rid of those thoughts, I need to do something productive. So I just had finished cleaning my room, o, the dust almost drowned me.. haha…  this room could be nominated for the most messy room in the world.. haha.. ang tamad ko kasing maglinis at busy rin sa work that I got so exhausted to do the household chores… so to give justice on the holidays, maglilinis ako!

That’s it… so, maybe I could watch movie na this time…

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