Sunday, April 17, 2011


such a fluke that this movie aired on cinemas after the catastrophic quake that resulted a tsunami in Japan.. though the trailer went out even before the incident.

well, i've read somewhere that showing of this movie in japan was stopped, ofcourse I agree that they must... I'm sure that some of the residents there are  not recovering yet.

But anyway, I just finished watching it... I can't really say that's a good one, i'm not an excellent commentator... but if only i got two choices beween nice and not, then i'll vote for nice!

but there were some moments I found it boring and not realistic----but what had recently hit Japan is actually unbelievable but the true to life videos petrified the whole world, so that means, what I just said not realistic can come to reality...

and those parting moments of the cast broke my made me cry, i dont know why I got so emotional... the story of the lifeguard who sacrificed his own life cuts my heart the most.. haha

So much for this, I must be sleeping...

Good night people!


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