Sunday, April 17, 2011


I have already stapled in this site how I'm terribly wishing  I'm a cabin crew--- but for some reasons it wouldn't be possible for me.

not to mention my motion sickness, i still prefer the wanderer in me, maybe its not so obvious but i'd love to be a traveler.. explore different places, meet new people, learn new things, discover and whatsoever!

I imagined myself taking pictures and writing down my adventures in different  places...if that's the case,  how wonderful life is!

I was reading METRO, and an article about the secret lives of flight attendants caught my attention, three women were interviewed on how they shed some light into the mysteries of flying high. At first, i dont want to read it, i know i might be envious and bitter at the end.

they have shared the perks of being one, their destinations, the excellent pay and no to be biased, their worst moments while being away from their loved ones and dealing with the rude passengers... but still, the latter wouldn't be a great thing as to what you really can get if you're a F.A.

Enough! i'm hurting myself... hahaha... if reincarnation is real or if i would have to live again, i would choose to be a flight attendant or plainly, a traveler, i would love to prove myself that the world is truly a splendid place to be at..


  1. here's to not letting motion sickness beat your love for travel. i hope to travel with you ash. sana makapunta tau together sa palawan to visit kaye!

  2. yeah, id' love to go back... el nido and coron sana.. hehe
