Sunday, May 8, 2011


My brother said, he’s not a techie person. Isn’t that obvious huh? I don’t know what’s really running to his mind in buying these stuffs, instead of saving. I’m not sure if this is safe to be posted for everyone, for security purposes, I must keep this unexposed. But because I know there’s hardly any who read this page, then I won’t bother. This is just for keeps sake, to keep things that might be vanished someday. You know, just keeping a record.

He purchased all these in just a span of less than a year.. A portable DVD player, Tab, HP laptop, LG phone, Sony Ericson phone and his China phone (para daw sa holdaper in case, pero wag naman sana haha).

 I sometimes scold him for being so impulsive, but he always answers me that he wanted to see evidence of his pinagpaguran.. He’s a licensed nurse.  After having a two year work experience in a hospital in our hometown, he followed me here in Manila. We thought he went here to apply for abroad, instead, he found himself almost satisfied in a call center industry. He’s actually doing well.

As for my case, consider us opposite. I’m not really a grabber of such gadgets. I only got these, the old Nokia phone my parents gifted me for my graduation long time ago, my new Sony Ericson, my three year old Acer laptop almost sira na (my father gave me) and the camera I used in taking this(with my brother’s contribution too).

Believe it or not, the first phone I used my own money to purchase it is this sony Ericson. I need to buy an extra phone after losing my other one—actually that was given by my brother too. He had two cell phone units when he arrived here in manila, and you know what, I was the one responsible sa pagkawala ng mga yun.. Same cases, somebody snatched it from my bag. Hihihi

So that’s all for now!                                            


  1. hindi nga sya techie.. hahaha! i agree with him na kailangan makita nya pinaghirapan nya. it's always a good thing to save money. you know, for emergency and stuff. but for me, more importantly, it's a good thing to reward yourself too with things you love from the money you worked hard for. nakakapawi kasi ng pagod.

  2. you've got a good point bai.. tnx for the comment.. ;)
