Sunday, May 8, 2011

regret me not ;P

Maybe I’m about to reach the rupture point of my immaturity. Yeah, at least. I’m convinced that truly I’m a late bloomer. Now I’m catching the regrets of my wrong decisions and acts before.

I could swear that I’m trying to get rid of unhappy thoughts. But just like the old days, heartbreaking topics are sometimes the easier to write. But on the good side, it’s somehow helpful. It’s like throwing out your burdens into the ocean.

If you could read those pile of notebooks I kept during school days, consider it diaries, were filled with some distressful thoughts. But I’m not saying all of those, but maybe most of it.. You couldn’t blame me, I rather pour them down there rather than let them rot inside me.

So what’s the issue now? I had a not-so-brief introduction huh? Haha

The issue of wasting time! It’s pressuring me! I’m 26. I can feel wrinkles in my face about to come out and yet, I’m so uncertain of many things. I’m currently employed in one of the prestigious companies here in Philippines, but I can’t even tell you if I’m satisfied and happy here. . Staying for a bit longer or quitting is still a blurry to me.

Oh, surely I’m confusing you now for what really my topic is. Am I not?? This is about how I regret my action of not working right away, I mean after the board exam. I had told myself during the review that I just want to pass the exam. I didn’t plan to work instantly. I wanted to rest. So I had my first job 6 months after the result of the exam, because my batch mates are having their jobs, I got a bit jealous.

I wish I could turn back time , and had chosen the right course for me in college, just one in no doubt  and finish it in time. I should have realized then that's its not really only about the career path your taking or what school you're into, but its about your attitude, your confidence and perception in life.

So that’s all about regrets and resentment but I can’t spoil myself on that, I must not. So I’m moving on now and must be unfazed.