Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Call it The Slambook

TODAY: still busy and feeling crazy. Haha

HAPPIEST MOMENT OF THE DAY: My new "kacornihan" maybe is a waste of time to some but for me, its one of the sweetest thing.. I don't really mind if it makes me so old fashioned and childish. 

Mac and Jeny called it slambook... Marj told me this, "why are you doing this? Are you going somewhere? " Haha.. yah, I'm sorry if I looked like as if I missed so much of my highschool days.

So I am  forcing them to write a note or reminder to me.. hehe.. I received jeny's message when I woke up this morning, I don't feel like rising from my bed but her message awakened my senses... I was so enlightened with her message, maybe she wrote it midnight.. I appreciate her effort too much.

Then later this afternoon, I got Lee's.  His message made me smile and we were caught by our boss when he handed it to me.. haha.. 

That's it.. for me, this isn't a waste of time... my job almost consumed everything of my whole day, it sucked my energy to its almost zero level, but I got them back when I read my friend's messages.. its nice to know, I mean something to them... I'm reminded that I am someone to them... I keep on telling myself that I must acknowledge my worth without needing anyone's confirmation of it... but hearing it from the people whom you consider your.good friends are truly heartwarming. 

So I guess the saying right:  Everyday may not be good, but there is always something good about everyday...

Good night!

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