Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Today's Words Left Unspoken

I miss doing this.. so here's my five unspoken lines to 5 different people.

1. I wont say sorry to you... though I feel a little sorry from deep inside. I'm a bit guilty.. but I should not.. it's the right thing I thought would be best for us. I hope I'm not misjudging you... and you wont curse me for that...

2. I hope it's really making you happy... The changes will make me feel sad, but it would be a relief if its truly making you happy.. don't mind me..

3. What we're you thinking?? You confused me, am I giving you a bad impression? It's okay.. I don't want you to see me a picture perfect one.. coz I'm not...

4. When will you ever get my point? There are things that are better unsaid.. yes its better that way! I know you want me to say everything I feel about everything, about how I feel with anyone...  I understand, sometimes, I do agree.. but people change too, it's either they don't wanna anything from you... or you'll change them when you say the words you're not suppose to say. It's unclear, it maybe not the right thing... thank you but let it be that way.

5. I saw something today that reminds me of you.. then I miss you.. and I hate the feeling... coz I couldn't do anything about it.

That's it! To this 5 people.. Good night!

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