Thursday, May 21, 2015


Today was supposed to be a a-bit-of-a-good-day , but someone almost ruined it... indeed it's true, words are weightless, but its impact  could bring weight to our hearts.. like when some people would assume or accuse you of something you are not or maybe you are... but you don't wanna talk about it. ..They would even speak up for you of things you don't even want to be as if they know what you really feel. But you couldn't tell them because you don't wanna appear like you're overacting....because you're not supposed to.

It was past five when I'm on my way home.. I don't wanna go home yet... my friends and I don't have plans either of meeting up... but I didn't really feel like going home yet.. I was upset... so I called and messaged them.. haha.. 

Though Marj didn't make it.. I still feel like I won it... Lee and Margaux came... haha... though they are a little late... actually so late I had finished a blog (the previous blog) while waiting for them, which I didn't have the right to complain because I've asked them out with short notice... and I should be thankful of their effort... they are always the one who came in to my place.. they have to travel a bit and experience the traffic jam and the crowd at the transport locations while I am just waiting.... they told me once, that sometimes I much exert an effort too, that I should be the one to visit them sometimes.. haha... but I refused too.. I don't wanna take the mrt at the rush hour.

Thanks to Pitch Perfect 2.... I had a good laugh.

Good night!

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