Monday, January 4, 2010


I don't really believe in superstitious belief but I don't exactly disregard their possibilities of being proved either.

I'm on my way to life's good fate quest, soul searching and seek for a greener pasture. I'm supposed to get my plane ticket today but had it postponed, instead I'll have it tomorrow. But just a while ago, a guitar slid down and broke, I'm not sure if it's my fault, but I feel that I am to blame because I was the only person sitting on the  bench where in the guitar was resting just behind it, no one saw the incident and I don't know what to tell them or if they would believe that it wasn't my fault.

Not only that, two nights ago, I accidentally broke a digital camera, it fell and its lens was twisted, it's no longer functioning. (sigh)

Bottom line here is, are those things happen for a reason or I'm just really clumsy?! I can still remember one day when an elder exclaimed a bad omen when I was about to go school and I hit unintentionally a bottle and got broke, she said it was a bad sign that something not good will gonna happen. I don't remember what happened next or was there really a not so good incident occurred.

Now that I'm about to take a trip, I am just wondering if those occurrences  are trying to warn me of something.. Do you think it would affect my journey to be or I will just say, come what may??? ....

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