Saturday, January 16, 2010


Just this morning, my father told me that he's worried about how I perform my duties regarding our religion, and I'm a kinda guilty on that... I dont forget my religion though I perform it not the usual or appropriate way, only my heart knows... but since it wasn't the way my father wanted me too... this I will promise that I'll try to do what he really wants me to do someday....I got to find my self first.... and really hope and pray that my parents would be given a long and healthy life because I want to make them feel proud and stop worying about me someday...

I also promise that if I'll be fortunate to earn lots of money, I will take them back to Holy Makkah.... and pay them back and buy them what they want even though they're not asking for it.

I will also promise that never will I forget my religion and someday I will perform that real duties of a true Islam.

and I'm also aware that we can't predict life, it will end unexpectedly and a possiblity not reaching those days but I am writing this for these are the things I INTEND to do someday...

I'll be living tomorrow to search for a greener pasture, it would be a quest for the purpore of my existence and I promise that I will never lose the right way... that I'll be a better person... that I am only doing this to clear my mind, to set my confuseness free.

So Help me God... remind me these promises..

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