Sunday, January 16, 2011

soar high or keep my feet on the ground?

What’s making me so anxious in decision making is I’m always torn in two. I had these options that I could hardly choose.

An example is this I’m about to pour down here. The idea of venturing abroad or just wait for my luck home is two conflicting issues in terms of my career.

There’s no place like home, that I certainly agree. But when it comes to my vocation, I see no progress. I don’t know till when I will wait for my opportunity to hit me there. If there’s such, surely I wont grow and improve, because at my stage I suppose to learn new things.

But still, it feels so good going home everybody to your family, have dinner with them, share every single moment of your life, talk about your past, present and future, live it with them. But seems you can’t get everything you wished for, that’s an ultimate truth. Life isn’t perfect. And sometimes, no matter how you’ll convince yourself to be contented, still you can’t. Coz, as long as you live, there will always be something that would complicate your ideal life.

 Well, I’m getting too far here. Anyway, did you ever been dream of getting yourself in other place? The world is so big you dream of going everywhere you want. I do. If only I am that independent and confident enough, maybe I am out of the country by now… but I always ended up with the thought of –someday..someday..someday.. gosh, I’m not getting any younger. I want to give it a try, even for experience sake. Every time I’ll see my friends whose having there undertaking s in other country, I feel envious a little.. but courage will abruptly sprouts in me. If they can, then why can’t I.. To some, I may even more qualified.

When I almost made up my mind, another thought will break in. Distracts me, confuse me. “Kaya ko ba talaga?” That would mean I’ll be miles away from home. I might miss something, like everything wouldn’t be the same when you get back. Life is too short not to spend it with your love ones, so short too not to explore the world. Gosh! What will I do?

But you know what? Sometimes you’re almost at the edge of knowing what you should really do. As a matter of fact neither of your options can be wrong. You just need courage to realize it.

 Am I making it too complicated? Yeah, I always complicate things. Curse me for that.. haha.. See where I am now..? Somewhere in between.. not home, not abroad as well…

Good luck to me!

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