Sunday, August 14, 2011


wahhhhh! i could hate myself today! why?? because Just like yesterday, i wasn't able to wake up in time for Sol, I could almost jumped off my bed when I saw my time past 4am.. this time i could remember that i heard my phone alarmed at 3:25am, but slept back (hate me!) this is one reason why doing the fasting here alone is tough (my bro on duty).

But still, I ate the food I prepared for Sol, and I intend to continue my fasting, if it isn't accepted then I will still not eat till six today, i deserved a punishment. Most disappointing is that I tried setting the alarm clock of my other phone before I went to sleep last night, but I didn't, i was thinking, twice in a row? impossible.... err.. I can't believe my self.

Swear.. this wont happen again.

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