Saturday, August 13, 2011


... i'm supposed to do some blogging,  about life, yah my life.. that's why i have that title.. but as i started my first line, i realized, i hate drama now! haha

i was just wondering if i'm living the life i deserved or at at least i belong.... im confused.. i maybe not... i said, no drama for now.

anyway, how was my saturday?

I felt bad a little, I was not able to do fasting today because i woke up 5 already this morning.. as far as could remember i set my alarm clock at 3:25am, i dont know why i wasn't able to hear  it ring  or maybe i turned it off, i dont know. I'm guilty.

at office. my friend jeny is out for seminar in our head office, along with the newbies. But the operation team, Mac, Allen, Jhonard and James gave me a merienda treat.

I watched Bring it on (Fight to the finish) during the break... nice movie.

met an highschool kabarkada, Belle, this afternoon.

and now, im just sooooo sleepy and tired.

Good night!

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