Sunday, June 3, 2012

My friend Jegs

This is my Friend since my childhood days, I call her Jegs. We’re neighbors, we went to same school in our elementary days, she was my best friend then. We had petty fights I could smile everytime I remember, we used to go home together after class, but one day we quarreled, I don’t even remember the reason why, she took the other side of the road and me on the other while walking home.. when I reached the gate of our house, she looked at me, we smiled at each and friends again.. haha..

I’m a bit shy as ever that I asked my younger sister or my brother to send my messages to her if have to ask or say something, I wrote them in a letter and she will reply too (dipa uso ang cellphone at internet non).. haha.. I could go along with my siblings but I’m so shy then, as if those people along the way would bite me, so I preferred those letters.

But in our secondary years, we enrolled to different school, swear that disheartened me!

We’re together again in college, dorm mates and room mates as well. But she graduated first, she took 4-year course and I’m in engineering.

She found new friends and so do I, but ofcourse our friendship didn't end there. Meeting new people doens't mean forgetting the old ones... especially those people-for-keeps.

Years after, we became room mates again in a place far away from our hometown, this time, because of our jobs, she worked in a call center industry and yours truly in a construction company. But after several months, she went home and proceed her study in a lawschool.

We had our picture tripping here yesterday and this morning before her flight back home. She had her 2 months internship here in Manila.

w/ our friendship bags as we call it

That’s it..

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