Saturday, June 23, 2012


i don't know, i feel like blogging, but i can't start it right,, not even the title nor the topic...
i want to say something but it wouldn't come out, i just  felt it.
its late and i should be sleeping but instead i'm here with my nonsense.
do i sound like a fool in here... how could I ask the obvious? hehe
i'm sorry dear self if i'm humiliating you, i could have keep it private but i chose not to
i want the world know that my existence is existing
that someone like me is not impossible.. haha
whoah! and as if the world cares!! somehow..
what am i saying? this is absolutely so random, so "anything goes"
what now?
whats in my mind? what's in there? what are you doing? im thinking of you..
hahaha... who could that be? damn, dont ask! just let me say so...
i'm sorry...
why am saying sorry? hahaha... i must be crazy! hahaha.. whatever...
signing off!

Good night!

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