Wednesday, December 17, 2014


TODAY: Done with my cost report.. started doing Monthly billing... yes, I'm tired! Booked some hotels for our tour next week .. I hope it will be smooth sailing.. and the picture above, I'm still working when these two kept on disturbing me.. they can be so annoying sometimes ahaha.

A bit upset with someone too. 

WORDS LEFT UNSPOKEN TO SOMEONE: It's not always what you see is what you get... sometimes, my actions are not truly what's in my heart, but its something you made me feel that I should do...

REMINDER TO.SELF: Don't be so hard on yourself understanding different people's behavior... you're not even a psychiatrist. Some people are truly bad, narrow minded, selfish and inconsiderate.. that's natural, that's who they are and you couldn't stop it..  but you can control your temper and emotion towards them. Don't let anyone ruin your self esteem.

Good night!

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