Monday, December 1, 2014

The Walking Dead MidSeason Finale Made Me Cry

Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 8 or the Midseason Finale made me cry!! Haha.. yah, it did.. I know... who would cry in a post- apocalyptic horror television series??!!.. well, me!... who would not??? Look at their faces here when Beth died....

Who won't be moved????... That look from Daryll... it broke my heart...knowing Daryll??? The tough guy, but he wasn't able to hold his emotion.. (ako pa kaya? Ang dakilang o.a.. haha)

And I never stopped my tears from falling when Beth's sister Maggie (who thought her sister must be dead all this time) was so excited to see her again... yes, indeed,  she saw her again.. lifeless.. darn it.

So asking me why I am so hooked with watching this kind of series when everybody would thought, its nonsense, its gruesome? ... maybe it is... but for me, its not totally nonsense... they're showing the art of survival, to live when you have almost no reason to live, to keep their humanity in tact despite being surrounded with the chaotic world full of zombies not to mention the  other groups with hostile and brute means of surviving, to hold on to those few people you care about and protect each other for as long as they can, to appreciate the things you have because it means a lot when you lose them...... and when you lose them, all you've got are good memories...

See you in February WD!

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