Thursday, December 11, 2014

I don't know...

Just read that somewhere.. and whoever wrote that, here's from me to you... "I don't really know mine either, so you're not alone... and maybe its alright, we don't really have to try too hard to know...all we have to do when life knocks us with uncertainty is to breathe, let go, trust, carefree, take a break, stop thinking for a while, inhale exhale and smile away those unwanted thoughts"... and I'm trying too...

anyway.... TODAY:  Yap, I was busy but I still had the time to participate in this  funny conversation.. I'm not joining our Christmas Presentation this year... but during our meeting this morning, my boss told me to participate because our team is lacking with participants... but no way, I'm not joining still.. haha.. I can't!.. I won't.... and my so called friends are teasing me....

That's it! Haha... see? I didn't join the practice.. kasabay pa rin nila ako! Ahaha

 Ayun lang.. alang kwenta yung post ko.. haha

Good night!

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