Monday, January 12, 2015


Today: After my lazy day yesterday, time to switch to my busy working mode... but I don't wanna detail everything. I've learned to leave my office errands at my workplace once I "time out".. glad, I'm learning not to think about my work too much.

Dinner date and coffee with my typical date mates.

That would be all!

Dear God, I'll start my prayer by saying sorry for being so ungrateful sometimes... for not realizing the things You blessed me with, instead I complain a lot.. Please forgive my sins.. Thank You for everything. Thank You for those days I thought I couldn't get through, but I always did, I know You were there..
Please keep my faith stronger, I know it wasn't enough. Take away the things that aren't supposed to be mine. Please make me realize my worth, I know sometimes I'm doubtful about it. Let not the words of some  put me down. Let me see the beauty of the world outnumbering the bad side of it. Or the reasons why I should keep going despite the obstacles and temptations.
Please keep my self value guarded, remind me of my own beauty and goodness despite almost everyone tells me and makes me feel that I'm not.
Once again, I wont get tired of  praying for that courage to change what I can change and accept what I cannot, and the wisdom to know their difference. I know there are too many things that I don't understand.. things that I cannot have... Please help me lengthen my patience. For the things I cannot know or I cannot have, I Entrust it to You, I know You have Your reasons.
For my broken heart and disappointments, Thank You, I'm still breathing well... it made me feel human and alive.
For the people I cared for, please bless them with what their heart's desires. Keep them safe and healthy..  And for the love of my life, bless him too.

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