Monday, January 5, 2015

5th Day of the Year

Despite me having one of my worst days, feeling uncertain, feeling like the most ugly creature in the world who didn't know which is which, feeling "i don't know", feeling forgotten and lost, feeling like the most lousy drama princess, feeling like I couldn't fool my self and blah blah blah, that nonsense and so on and so forth ....... yes, despite my tears almost fell, actually it did .... yes, despite that everything, I still managed to smile... why??? I turned my head at that corner of my room (that picture below).. I saw doraemon, that bear and that blue star smiling at me.... then I smiled back! Sound crazy, how could I be so deep yet so shallow... sometimes simple things really works in overpowering my darkest thoughts.

Good night doraemon! Thanks for being there.

 (P.S. My sister fixed my shelves, she almost put all my stuff (yep, unwanted stuffs)  into thrash... I told her, okay lets throw them too (im referring to doraemon and the rest), she said no.. Now, I know why. I miss my sister already.)

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