Friday, January 9, 2015

The Woman in Me versus the Woman I Wanna Be

She's a strong and confident woman who's not afraid of taking risk. She's not afraid of getting out of her comfort zone. She doesn't think twice in getting lost if its her only way to find what her heart desires. She knew exactly what she wants in life and she does whatever it takes to achieve her goals... She drops whatever burdens her and when somebody offended or hurt her, she wouldn't hesitate telling them "screw you!" . And after saying that, she'll be okay as if she doesn't hate anyone, she wont hold grudge in her heart for too long, instead, she forgets easily. But she will voice out everything she wish to say.She will be heard. She wont let her thoughts spoil inside her. She doesn't cry over petty things. She doesn't really mind if she fails, she wont give up easily. She won't be hopeless... She wont let her dreams be just dreams. She's not just contented in getting what she needs, she uses her skills, her abilities, her profession and her very best to get more than just what she needs. When she falls inlove, she'll give her love the way it should be offered. She fight for things that make her happy.  She'll forgets those people who don't deserve to be part of her, she's not anyone's second choice. She doesn't really care. She lets go of things that are not meant for her and she knew it very well. She hates drama, she writes articles about beautiful places and not about drama..She's brave enough to travel alone. She knew how to deal with all kinds of people, then she gains more friends. She's cheerful, happy go lucky, she says Hi to everyone, she's not shy, and she smiles most of the time, she knows how to handle and fix herself to look presentable, and that would make her lovable. When she's tired of things, she could have a break or just let it go. She wont hold on to something that has no use to her. She doesn't wait too long, she can't waste her time. For her, age is just number, she wont let midlife crisis eat her up. She uses her head rather than her heart. And she wont let anyone break her heart, or lose her self esteem.

And most especially, she's the woman that I'm not but I wish I could be. Yes, I'm not because I'm just....

a woman who doesn't have a concrete plan about everything. She just go to where life brings her. She's both happy and unhappy to where she is now... she's not tired of being tired and I hate her for that. Sometimes she believes that she doesn't have to be rich, as long as she gets everything she needs, its enough..  She's a little morbid sometimes, she thinks like -- why you have to work too hard, buy this and that, get a lot of money when sooner or later you have to leave them behind. She's such a dork, a despicable drama princess. She's dull and boring... weird, but sometimes she wants it that way. Though it isn't really obvious, she cares too much.. she breaks her heart..but she's not afraid to get her heart broken, she doesn't really mind if she involves her self into something that makes her happy even she knew it isn't forever, because she believes that life is too short to waste it not trying... yes, she maybe not a risk taker, buy in her own way, she is trying too. she's a little foolish... she's inconsistent, she keeps on changing her mind but not her heart...  she's not a good pretender, her eyes can't lie. She doesn't ask for too much, she doesn't have too many favors, she try to work on her own. She's not hated by many, not even loved by many too. She got few friends because she didn't know how to deal with people but she value friendship too much. She forgives easily but never forgets.. don't try to promise anything on her, because though it seems that she forgets it, but she did not.. she's just waiting for you to prove that you mean what you say. She try her very best to do whatever she tells you because she hates being lied, she knows how it feels. She's comfortable with few, so once you had it, don't break her trust. She doesn't push herself to anyone, she rather be alone. When she's sad, she'll cry and it will make her feel fine. Yes, she's such a crybaby.. when she doesn't get what she wants, she doesn't insist.. she's not really persevering, but she's such a worrywart. When she's hurt, she doesn't talk too much, instead of ranting or shouting, she shuts her mouth. ..

Now, you can like her or hate her, she doesn't really mind... and as for me, I both hate and love her because she's me.

1 comment:

  1. Very Well Said!!
    I still love the way you are now, but still change it into a woman you desire/want to be. :)
