Sunday, January 30, 2011


just sent this message to a friend of mine.. yeah, nagtatampo ako.


"grabe di man lang nagparamdam.. kya nman pla nagtampo yung rummate mo e.. hahaha.. pero ako, di magtatampo, wat for? i know u... hahahah... joke.. saka na ako mgtatampo ng bongga.. pag kinalimutan mo ako pag ok kna jan.. invite me there ha kahit hindi for employment sake, tour lang.. i hope.. GOOD LUCK anyway."

But still, i wish her good luck in her journey.


Now her reply made me feel better.. hindi na ako nagtatampo..

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Did you ever wonder if you had took other career path than what you are embracing right now? If so, what could that probably be?

I'm a civil engineer but it wasn’t my dream occupation when I was a child. From ECE stude (which I really don’t feel my belongingness as well), I shifted to CE. It’s as if I ran out of choices. Generally, I didn’t imagine myself being an engineer someday, I just let the current take me here. But I am now! And there are truly moments that I regret it, but I cut the idea as fast as I could, it’s only making me bitter. Instead, I am learning to love this profession. It caused me hardships, sweats and tears before, so I guess it deserves a recognition and acceptance.

But just for random thoughts, what if Engineering was never an option to me, then I would be what? Sometimes, I could wish I am a nurse, not because I liked it, in fact bloods make my face pale, but because of  the opportunities abroad. God, I so love to visit other countries.

During elementary days, I wrote my imaginative stories in intermediate papers and distribute it to my classmates, they’d enjoyed reading it, and they even requested me to write more. I thought I’m going to be a writer someday. But now, I’m not and maybe I have no ability to do so. My current profession is miles different from it, no way to improve that childhood ambition. So in able not to rot this form of passion, I still write… though I am also the solo reader of those.

 Aside from being a writer, I was having fun acting myself like I'm a teacher...that's also during my younger days. I make lectures and questionnaires, and my younger siblings are my students. I’d love to be a teacher then. Maybe my father who’s  truly an advocator of education influenced me, as a matter of fact, he reached his highest doctoral degree.

But in high school, where class reporting almost happens everyday, I realized that I am not confident enough to face the crowd. So the dream of being a teacher went out of my mind. But you know what, maybe I won’t complain if I am teacher right now. I agree with what some people say that you’ll find fulfillment in teaching even for sometimes of your life.

And in terms of of my impossible dream job... that would be on the plane, a cabin crew... actually, i'd love to be one not because of the description itself but the chance of circumscribing the world. But for my qualification, it would be X, that's why its impossible huh. haha... another one, an animator (is that how they call it?) though i'm not really that good in drawings.

That’s it. This is just a sort of reflection and I’m still on the process of finding the beauty of my career. I wish someday, I’ll wake up everyday with a smile on my face knowing that I’m about to do a thing that I passionately hooked to.

mesyu MSU!

If you’re given a chance to go back to your University campus in a short period of time, what would you do??

I guess I am missing Mindanao State University-main campus right now that makes me have some musings and reminiscing the past in here. So what will I do?

Of course, I’ll have a stroll on our golf course where my friends and my dorm mates used to have our lunch outs, meetings, group study and just plainly sightseeing.. The scenic view of the exuberant green nature, the beautiful lake and the enchanting sleeping lady mountain would surely ease your stress.

If only the “Pater “there in forestry still exists, surely I won’t miss it, theirs is the best among the rest (that goes for me). Might also wonder if the Tune bread in Ayala still tastes good.

Grandstand. Have a sit and watch games while eating spicy fried crunchy peanuts that I bought at the Commercial Center, would it cost 5 peso still?... oh, can I request for the fog to come out during that time? (so the players wouldn’t see their opponents, hahaha…)

After the game, maybe I could head back to commercial Center to have some snacks…  where do you think I should go? Ram? Pastel Tats? Bamboo? Maxi com? Or the one above it?, Kamayan?.... or maybe at the ever delicious Pizzas there at Pizza d amore/ B’s Pizza….. I don’t even remember the others or maybe by now, they don’t subsist anymore. And the small movies house, I wonder if they still showing Korean/Asian movies- those that save me from boredom and get entertained somehow.

And never will get scratched on my list are the places where I spent most of my times in MSU… The College of Engineering and the Super New Girls Dormitory, I am thinking how Room 31 and Room1 had changed through out the years.

How bout you? What will you do when you get back to the place that played a big part in your life?

Pictures from the past.....


1/21/2011 8:51 pm (late post)

Thailand is actually not on my list of the countries I wished I could be at someday. But you know why I’d swear I’ll be finding myself there one day??... because my excitement almost got me there.

I didn’t take seriously my mom’s text message yesterday asking me to have some escapade in Thailand this April.  But she’s actually far from joking. So, I said yes.

 I would settle to travel and get to different places (not minding my motion sickness) rather than be a material girl. So, I’ll save for that.

But just this morning, my thrill almost got crumbled into rubble. Due to some “don’t-ask- me- why- coz- it-hurts” thing, we might not make it this April.. so bad! … It proved me that planning an action comprehensively is better that being impulsive.

The good thing is, I am now certain that I would visit other countries no matter what. I am more positive now and I know I’d love to do that; it would surely make me happy.  That’s why I won’t tolerate this dwindling hope. No way….

See you ------!  

Thursday, January 20, 2011


My love story is something no one would wish they could be on my shoes. It’s as dull as Niagara Falls that once went dry. I have it so colorless nowadays or should I say for 26 long years. And I’m about to curse my soulmate by now whom I gotta feeling doesn’t really exist, or my stupid knight in shining armor, or my long lost, maybe forever lost prince charming.

Sometimes I get to face the mirror and asked, Am I that unpretty? Am I so mean as Cinderella’s step sisters? Or as wicked as Snow white’s step mother?

I’m almost on the edge of being so desperate I might come up a survey asking these people what’s wrong with me? Everybody has imperfections, but mine is kinda too much- that I assumed.

So I asked myself why.  and all I could answer were these –I am so damn shy! (hate to admit that), Misinterpreted to be snob or intimidating (but I’m not, o maybe lil), I don’t look appealing, just overly plain and simple, I don’t mingle, I am “kill joy”, I don’t give chance to those few (whom I believe first I’ll never feel the same way) who attempted to know me more, I am boring, I hardly handle responsibilities (but I’m not irresponsible either), so ideal and a dreamer….. oops, I never thought I could enumerate possible reasons as many as those.. hahaha.. so why doubt anyway?

But on the other hand, I never really care if I’ll get single forever, don’t really care if my hour glass would run out of dust. I half believed of destiny too.. If he reaches my destination, then fine, but if he doesn’t then fine too.

But there are just moments in my life I feel emptiness and incomplete,  just like don’t wanna grow old alone. So what now? Shall I wait for my destiny to work for me? Or I must make a move now (but how?) hahaha..


Sunday, January 16, 2011


just had this few moments ago at PEPEMELROTI, there at Robinson.

 i see cute items there everytime I pass by, but I never got the chance to stop and see systematically their items, not until this afternoon when my friend next door asked me to buy her a planner there since i'm also on my way to Rob.... And yes, there are lot of simply beautiful stuffs there. i had this for me... just for sorts... maybe notes for myself as indicated on the cover.

soar high or keep my feet on the ground?

What’s making me so anxious in decision making is I’m always torn in two. I had these options that I could hardly choose.

An example is this I’m about to pour down here. The idea of venturing abroad or just wait for my luck home is two conflicting issues in terms of my career.

There’s no place like home, that I certainly agree. But when it comes to my vocation, I see no progress. I don’t know till when I will wait for my opportunity to hit me there. If there’s such, surely I wont grow and improve, because at my stage I suppose to learn new things.

But still, it feels so good going home everybody to your family, have dinner with them, share every single moment of your life, talk about your past, present and future, live it with them. But seems you can’t get everything you wished for, that’s an ultimate truth. Life isn’t perfect. And sometimes, no matter how you’ll convince yourself to be contented, still you can’t. Coz, as long as you live, there will always be something that would complicate your ideal life.

 Well, I’m getting too far here. Anyway, did you ever been dream of getting yourself in other place? The world is so big you dream of going everywhere you want. I do. If only I am that independent and confident enough, maybe I am out of the country by now… but I always ended up with the thought of –someday..someday..someday.. gosh, I’m not getting any younger. I want to give it a try, even for experience sake. Every time I’ll see my friends whose having there undertaking s in other country, I feel envious a little.. but courage will abruptly sprouts in me. If they can, then why can’t I.. To some, I may even more qualified.

When I almost made up my mind, another thought will break in. Distracts me, confuse me. “Kaya ko ba talaga?” That would mean I’ll be miles away from home. I might miss something, like everything wouldn’t be the same when you get back. Life is too short not to spend it with your love ones, so short too not to explore the world. Gosh! What will I do?

But you know what? Sometimes you’re almost at the edge of knowing what you should really do. As a matter of fact neither of your options can be wrong. You just need courage to realize it.

 Am I making it too complicated? Yeah, I always complicate things. Curse me for that.. haha.. See where I am now..? Somewhere in between.. not home, not abroad as well…

Good luck to me!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I hesitated before doing this, I mean doing a record of something foolish, that a 26 year old should be mature enough not to waste her time on this.

But since this is my diary, then whatever entry is accepted… especially the person involve here just gave me a smile this morning! ;)

This is about my office mate I called SERYOSONG SUPLADONG KENGKOY (SSK).. He seemed to be so arrogant the first time I saw him.. And looked so serious too sometimes, then suddenly will crack a joke …  so clueless. He’s an electrical engineer anyway.. and maybe I had a slight crush on him.. haha

So this is a just about the best moment we had (may ganon?). It happened during the graduation of our 8-session Project Management seminar. It was held at one of the Bars there in Quezon City. He was there too.

After the main program, party had started. Some of my officemates danced and got drunk. And you could crown Mr. SSK for his active participation. Yeah, he was so cooperative though he looked so serious at first.

 Most of my friends were having fan there on the dance floor, and me, getting sleepy, “kill joy” as you call it, is sitting alone on one corner there. I was so surprised when he approached me and made me danced with him.. haha.. got no choice but to cooperate, it wasn’t a sweet dance anyway.. hahaha.. After a short while, he grabbed my hands pulling me towards the group of my friends.. Yun, tapos na! I had a great time naman.

Maybe he was so drunk that night the next morning we are as if strangers again. But he makes pansin of me naman everytime we cross roads! …….

…anyway he’s a married man, and I can see his loyalty even they have this long relationship status…. Wag na akong umasa! haha

Story ends.. His name? don’t bother ask, but I’ll give you pictures..

updated 9:36pm 6/26/2011: correction, he's not loyal!

Monday, January 10, 2011


sir told of my new contract term today, I'll be probationary.. that's subject for regularization or termination after six months.. and he told me this "pakitaan mo ako".... how can I? or what effort does he wants? my immediate supervisors kno my performance well...

anyway, i rather resign than be terminated.. hahahaha.. but i'm not resigning yet.. and I dont wanna be coward too...

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Maybe I should start posting here about those people for me are worth remembering, those good people who deserve a record on my diary.


And to pioneer the first slot, ARCHITECT JEANNETTE MOORE is here. What would come into your mind first if you’re to describe a pretty half American girl? Over Liberated? maarte? Mayabang? Choosy?... Actually, she’s none of those. She’s so talented and pretty but her feet still on the ground. Were not that super close naman but I can sense it, that she’s not just beautiful outside but inside too..She’s sometimes so boyish nga. Everyone in our office loves her because she’s just so easy to get along with. And surely, we’ll miss her for she resigned. She’s planning to go to States and study and maybe work too.

She choreographed our dance in our Christmas party presentation. I saw her patience since most of us don’t know how to dance. She still managed to crack a joke in times of pressures.

You might also think that she is so liberated, maybe, but you know what, she had her first boyfriend at 22. And if I am not mistaken they are getting stronger after almost two years now..

Anyway, Good luck to you Net.. And thanks to that simple gift you gave me! You’ll always be remembered.


 Last December 2010, we had our traditional exchange gift in our office. We used cartoon/anime characters for codenames. I used one of my fave INU YASHA. Of course it wouldn’t be clueless since we attached wish list on our codes. Here's my list

1.       Organizer/Planner

2.       Inspirational Book

3.       Laptop Mouse

4.       Doraemon Stuff

I didn’t really mean stuff toy for Doraemon since I am not really fun of stuff toys! But anything will do that would represent Doraemon, anyway last on the list.. But guess what! Tadan! I got this


It’s not that I am dismayed because that isn’t right, I should accept what’s been heartedly given, and I am. It’s just that I wont spend 300 for this (300 is our minimum limit), but since it’s a gift, then I wont be bitter at all.. hehe

But I really want a planner or organizer for my whatevers so I decided to purchase one. But I saw this  in our shelves at home, it’s actually owned by my father, maybe distributed by DOST to them, but he never used it. But gosh, it has expired already, that’s for 2010! So bad I saw it last January 1 2011! Well, maybe I could use it still, so I kept it. Actually I’m using it now.

And I got this too. Architect Anna Francisco gave it to me. It’s actually a gift to her by one of our suppliers but she has no purpose for it. Thanks to her!

Now I have no reason to buy, maybe next year!

movie "LEAP YEAR"

Just had a late sleep last night after watching Leap Year, I thought it’s a horror movie or something, actually it’s a romantic comedy, a ‘fortunate misfortune’ love story. And I ended up laughing out loud around midnight. Some love stories make me sick but this one, it kept me awake, not minding it’s already midnight.

Maybe to some it’s just one of those paint-by-numbers comedies, predictable from the first frame to the ultra-corny ending. Yeah maybe it was, but truly I enjoyed watching it. To hopeless romantic, it would surely clack! I know the story is typical, nothing so extraordinary, but still, it went out so lightly wonderful… Add to that are those enthralling and captivating Irish locations and of course the charming character of Amy Adams and Matthew Goode.

Bratty, little self-centered and uptight Anna (Adams) follows an Irish romantic tradition in which a man must say yes if she proposed to on a leap day, so she travelled to Dublin to propose to her boyfriend. But because of a bad weather, her plane is diverted to rural Ireland. No ferries are running, but Anna is hell-bent to get to Dublin and she finds a boatman who drops her off at a picturesque town on Ireland’s Dingle Peninsula.. There she met Declan(Goode), enigmatic, spoiled and unpredictable. Since Anna was so desperate to get into her boyfriend’s location before February 29, she hired Declan no matter how irritated she was, to drive her off to Dublin…of course for a certain amount of money.. And as critics expected, avalanche of catastrophes intervenes. Their car fell into a creek, missed the train, and got pelted by hail and rolls down a grassy hill into the muck and so on… Attach to that their "on and off" petty fights! But behind those host of disasters and (sweet moments), they’ve reached Dublin just in time! And the rest you should watch!

..And romantic comedies supposed to make you laugh but there was this point in the movie that suddenly broke my heart. The scene where Declan thought Anna left him there in the bus station without waking him up. His reaction made me tear-jerking.

Before I’ll end this up.. I’ll leave a question for you. “What will you grab if you’ll find out you’re house is burning and you’ve got only 60 seconds?


Sunday, January 2, 2011


She must not read this! haha

Just a while ago was the first time this year our room welcomed me with emptiness. And it made me missed my sister who had her stay here for more than two months. I remember her asking what food did I buy for her and making halungkat of my things.. She's kinda matakaw kasi. haha

Though we fight most of the times, I can still conclude that we are partners in crime, how could we not when we are the only girls out of us seven.

The half emptied I L coke in our dining table also reminds me of her. She used to take the last drop of it.. and now that she's not here, di ko maubos yun.. My other brother kasi who is currently meeting up with his friends right now is not a softdrink fanatic.

Anyway, enough for this, so much to do pa. maybe this silence is making me emotional. Hala sige, need to fix things na, back to work tomorrow! (errr..)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1 2011

Welcoming 2011 by leaving home again.. flight back to Manila later this afternoon..errr..