Sunday, November 13, 2011

My Indecisiveness is driving me nuts!

I have fixed my mind right? That I’ll be resigning earlier next year, I’ll try my luck in abroad.. but why am I not booking a flight ticket now!

I thought I’m so much fed up with my uncertainties that at last I’ve made up mind... but  where the hell is my plane ticket now.

I’m doing fine with my present job, its an honor to be part of the construction of an high end 67th storey condominium, got no problem with my officemates (not really), a salary that wouldn’t at least starve me.

But on the other hand, working here is making me far from my family, and I don’t think it would make a big difference if I’ll do it abroad, at least the salary is larger than I could get in here, I could afford more than anything I want, travel and so on… I could treat not only myself but my family.. They’re not asking anything from me, but I will feel good if I would be able to give them something.

But I heard life in abroad is not that easy as well. It’s actually a risk and unfortunately, I’m not a risk taker.

O my! I'm confused again! i'm not getting any younger and still concluding a decision is so hard for me. why o why??.. i think i'm crazy. haha

Somebody help me!!!!!!!!!! that's what wahhhhhhhhhhhh all about.

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