Friday, July 17, 2015

Eid Mubarak 2015

Eid Mubarak to everyone!

Woke up early to prepare for the Eid Prayer... and the speech / sermon of our Imam was inspiring.. he discussed some of the lessons the ramadan taught us.. he said, if transforming ourselves into someone better isn't that hard anymore as what it used to be, then it  means we learned something from doing the "fasting"... because at this month, we do the things that we don't usually do.. if we're able to control ourselves to do unwanted things and to do what should be done accordingly, then it only means that we're succeeding to be someone good and it would save us from the day of judgement. He encouraged us to strive really hard to be kind, humble, generous and grateful.. that no matter how God responded on our prayers, we should be thankful whether He grants our prayers or not... And finally, we prayed for the peace of Mindanao.  This shall not only for the holy month but all through out the year .

After the prayer, we decided to visit our relatives somewhere North... It's a rural area, travel time is around 1 hour and most of them are a bit not so fortunate.. We brought foods to share with them and gave them small amount of money..

Good night. GOD BLESS US ALL.

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