Sunday, March 6, 2016

7th of March

Ordered Chicken Pesto Spaghetti while waiting for my 5:30pm appointment at Globe store for my plan recontracting..  I'm actually downgrading my plan.. I'm paying too much I think not to mention I'll be resigning soon.. I don't know why am I considering the thought of not working at all.. haha.. I wanna tell myself that.. "hey! You're just having a break.. you have to work again!!".. yah,  I should!.. how am  I gonna be able to pay my plan and my insurance if I'll forever stop working?? Haha...I'm way too old to ask for financial assistance from my parents...

Anyway, I've been to National Bookstore.. bought Pens, Post It, correction pen and a notebook!! Again.. notebook! You know how I love collecting notebooks even I couldn't even find time writing on them... I was intending that notebook for someone or something.. some sort of moments and counting my 90 days of stalking.. haha.. I mean, my last days on my present company... oh wait, here's my order.. have to eat first.

Done eating! Pero bat ganon? That was used to be my favorite pasta here at Ravioli, but now it doesn't taste that good.. or maybe because I was eating it alone.. what's the relevance? Haha.. my friends and I eat here a lot, sharing that.. and now I'm eating all alone... well, its Sunday nga pala.

Watched too many movies since last night... Attack on Titan 3 (?), but the subtitle was wrong, Thai Fighter, Alvin & the Chipmunks 4, KungFu Panda 4, 400 Days and Chronicles of Sha#@&#**×&&#.. I forgot the title! Haha...

So much to say, I'm already sleepy. GOOD NIGHT!

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