Tuesday, March 8, 2016

8th of March

It's been a rough day for me.. my guilt has been eating me up.. I have to do something that is against my will but I have to. I could swear that my intentions aren't that bad.. it's just that, the process isn't legal.. and I don't wanna be part of it. It kills me! Forgive me.. I'm not being productive nor confident in doing some tasks because I know part of me is lying.. Forgive me... This is indeed one of the reasons why I'm about to resign..

Despite this, I have to thank my friends for somehow helped me divert my attention... Mela.. and my consistent chat mates.. Lee, Margaux and Marj.. Thanks for not changing... ;)

And to my notebook! :) haha

And to whom it may concern "You might not know it but I'm thankful that I'm seeing you around.. I thought I'll frown all day here, but I found myself broke a smile because of you.. sagabal ka man sa mga plano ko..  :( "

Good night!

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