Friday, June 25, 2010


I'm feeling idle and low today.. let's recapitulate the happenings today to find out what's making me feel dull and weary at this moment.


on my way to SM Megamall to participate in 12th Metro Job Fair, while on the  Jeepney passing and inhaling the pesky and unwanted smell of the Pasig river (I cas say, it's dirtier than Rio Grande, it's just like a big wastewater canal), I had a thought whether something fruitful would gonna happen to me on that Jobfair... then MRT station to Megamall.

People in queue welcomed me, so this crowd is looking for a job, will there be one left for me???

As expected, Call Center Companies are flooding in the area.. When I stepped on to the very place, a girl invited me to apply in their company .... so being confident as I thought, I tried, submitted my resume, and had a very simple interview, just a short introduction of yourself, read a short paragraph and create a story out of a picture.... gosh, I will laugh at myself if I am the interviewer.. I had created a very stupid story!!!!---- So what do I expect???? I fail!!! Shame.. i thought I'm doing right.... I lost all my confidence after that, I want to get out of that place right away.. but I did not... I submitted my resume to the other companies, preliminary interviews and so on.... and now I'm waiting (in vain again??).


I had my lunch at Mc Do...  actually I dont want to eat then, i want to punish myself for such stupidity..  but I realized that eating is another act of stupidity... I'm trying another career path now because I'm not being successful with my profession... but again, flopped!!


While rambling around the mall, I ended up scanning books at the Power Books.. I had a quick reading of Katrina Herrera's (if I remember it right) Dubai.. It';s actually  a sort of her diary when she had her venture in Dubai, searching job.. At first, I was so glad reading her work, she's giving some advices about surviving and living in know how much eager i am to be in Dubai as well... but after reading the book, I was a a bit frustrated, she's actually did not find the kind of job she's looking for, she was one of those disillusioned... but she tried working in Afghanistan... well I make it there too??

I left the mall...

8:30 pm
I'm writing this..

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