Saturday, June 19, 2010


Dear diary,

How I wish you could answer me, this rants I’m about to say is quite torturing my mind, confusing me and I couldn’t decide what to do.

Time is moving really fast and I’m still unfortunate to find a good job, a job that suites me, a job that don’t resembles to those I declined. You might name me Ms. Picky but I just a want a fulfilling job, oh, I hope you know what I mean.

Now, the ice cream is about to melt, waiting is almost in vain, o, hell, how will I know it will be like waiting in vain.. maybe, because I’m broke! I can’t even afford a food I want to eat. I’m old enough, I shouldn’t be depending on my parents anymore…

So, asking me, what am I waiting? A job that is accessible, a job that could offer me a salary at least affords me a stable living, a job that is absolutely related on my career interest, work experience and education!!

I have this option, work in a call center, accessibility and good salary is in there..  But that would means, I will give up what I sought in college.

Whatever, tell me what to do now..   

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