Sunday, May 29, 2011

how do i look today

It’s not that I’m running out of topic, just the time, and that’s so disappointing. I’ve so much in mind nowadays that I want to blog about, or put into my diary, but time wont let me..  so instead I would do the easiest and maybe absurd one. That’s how do I look and what did I do today.

Anyway, I’m giving myself the right to post a picture of me this morning and you guys have no right to complain.. hehe

This is how I looked like when I woke up this morning, about 10 am, I can say I still need more sleep at that point of time, it’s the only day I could rise from bed anytime I want. I just love Sunday.

I haven’t combed my hair nor washed my face yet. Obvious.

Then later this afternoon, together with my buddy next door, we watched Kung FU Panda 2 at SM manila, its been a long while since the last time I treated my self a movie in a big screen. I had a great time anyway.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Just watched this romantic comedy movie during our lunch break in office today, a "riches to rags film".

This is a story of two sisters living in a mansion, like princesses in their ivory castle. Everything seems to be so perfect, until their father died unexpectedly, living them almost broke. Luckily, Nora and Mary have a good hearted aunt to fall back on. They packed their things and move into their aunt's humble house.  Nora could stand it, but not Mary, she just couldn’t accept that they are now out of their comfortable world.  But later on, they’ve started learning the other side of life.

I enjoyed watching it. And it made me value more the essence of sisterhood. The relationship and status of the two sisters is somewhat like me and my younger sister too. Nora, the older sister, is the old fashioned one, has no boyfriend (of course not till the end), serious about life and career, and a bit dorky and dull, and her sister is none of those, o at least… and we’re a bit of that too..

Thursday, May 26, 2011


After doing the first impressions, now I’m going to be like Harriet the Spy again. But this time,  our victims are those I believe are in hot seats in office…. I hope no one would sue me for clandestinely observing this people… hehe.. Actually I’m just having my insight in here and still would tag this to people I’ll remember. No one’s really telling me to spy, I just wanted to.

First in line is of course the one with the highest rank, Sir Frizan- our project manager. If I wouldn’t listen to what people say about him, then I wouldn’t think he’s a bad guy (not exactly), though he kept on teasing me of whatevers, I thought he’s a good one. But these past few days, I’m starting to notice and realize his ways. But don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that he’s some sort of a monster hiding in a gorgeous mask, may kapintasan lang. Maybe they’re right that he’s biased in evaluating his people. He wanted to create a harmonious working relationship with the Primea team, but it seems that social clique would still be around. Yun lang naman, but I’m not mad at him.

Engr. Waldo. Este Boss Waldo. Would it be necessary to become arrogant and bigheaded if you’ll get promoted? Look, no one really envies him, its just that nakakairita lang pagiging mayabang nya. He changed his ways so sudden, as in kagulat gulat. I know, maybe its his way to gain respect from his subordinates, but he must be careful, instead of respect baka sama ng loob lang abutin.

Aimee.. Our new employee, na para daw may dalang sumpa.. hahaha… hmp, I don’t  want to say anything against her that’s why I must not keep this long, sa utak ko na lang. Honestly, I don’t really like her, so bad we are in the same department…. But I'm open to the possibility that my first impression to her would change too.

Architect Arleen. Actually I thought she’s the last person I would get along with. If you have read my first impression to her, I stated there that I’m irritated with her ways. But you know what, she’s one of my close friends in office now, she didn’t transform into someone but I saw the good side of her. Kaya kahit may tantrums sya, I still don’t drop her into my friends list. And there’s something in her manner that somehow I’m a bit of too. Kaya minsan naiintidihan ko sya, kahit pasaway sya minsan.

Maam May, my direct supervisor.  I’m a bit alarmed in how we approach each other. It’s been almost a year but still I’m not comfortable with her. Honestly, I’m intimidated in her. I was so glad then that I’ll be in her department, but it seems that 1 year is my first week yet. We rarely talk to each other, usually in connection to work only. Mas maingay pa nga ako sa ibang department e. I really can’t figure out why, mabait naman sya.

All I can say, nobody is really perfect. Wherever our journey take us, we’ll meet different people—those we’ll hate or like.

How about me? How these people see me kaya?                                                                                                            

Sunday, May 22, 2011


30 minutes to go and I should be sleeping... work again tomorrow, and surely I'll have that Monday morning sickness as always, a slight anxiety.. hehehe.. parang ayaw pumasok.

I'm supposed to watch a movie with ate Vicky, yung Sweet November, kaso its already late, some other time na lang.. I've been watching so much love stories huh, last night, the classical movie LOVE STORY and this morning, a Taiwan movie, SECRET... love stories make me sad,'s making me feel how loveless I am.. hahaha

Time runs so fast, inversely proportional with my progress, I guess.. I'm a bit sick in here, emotionally, mentally and even physically yata, but I'm trying not to. I still fight my negative attitude towards life, hahaha, of course I must. we must see the beautiful side of life, haynaku magdadrama nanaman.. enough, cut this crap Ash!

Okay, okay, okay!!! I'm going to have a good week ahead, I must be strong and confident. I must not care about the mean people that surround me, I must not get myself infected with bad vibes. I wont let anyone outsmart me, never... but I'll be kind and I'll be fine...

Good night!


Before I’ll take my side on this movie, I would like to thank Jeny Santiago for recommending me this, and downloading it for me.

This fictional and romantic film is something extraordinary.  Though I had already an idea as what’s really going on, I mean, my presumption is right, I knew it from the start that the girl is really not existing on the present time,but still you wouldn’t guess the “how and why” at first.

At some point, I was so elated with the main cast expressing their affection to each other, endearing but not so vulgar---I hope you got my point, I really couldn’t find the exact word to describe it. I’m such a big fun of Asian love story movies (exempt our very own, hehe), they’re able to deliver the story in such light and appealing manner, at sometimes I thought I could relate.. haha.. and the Cinematography, its next to perfect.

Secret reminded me of two movies,  IL mare/Lake house and Before You Say I do for the dramatic twists and “time travel thing”.

The movie conveys the magic of music.  The “secret “is actually a piece (in piano) that has the power to take the one who plays it backward or forward in time.  Unfortunately, Lu Xiaoyu and Xianglun, was a victim of such. They became lovers 20 years apart. But in the end, they will be reunited.

 Anyway, just watch for it, it can be nerve disturbing and confusing. Surely at the end part, you’ll ask questions like these, what about----? What will happen to---? How would---? And etceteras, but it seems that the leading cast would just answer you back “it doesn’t matter, as long as we are together again” hahaha.

That’s why, it’s a secret huh? it will leave you wondering.

To sum it up, the movie is nice.. And so with the sky, the sea, the wind, the nature you’ll see in this piece of art.

Once again, thanks Jen!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

dull day

i woke up as if it monday, you know heavy hearted.

I know something is wrong with me, i mean, health related but i'm afraid to consult a doctor.

and tomorrow is friday again, reporting. I know i must do my part, but my senior decided to let "girl" do it... sir might question me. bahala, im soooo tired.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wala nanaman akong masulat

If only my multiply site is a piece of paper then I must be flooded with crumpled papers here. Wala nanaman akong masulat, kanina meron, ngayon wala na..

Sunday, May 15, 2011


o my diary, I wish tomorrow is sunday again.. i just can't get enough of it. bakit kasi isang araw lang yung off namin..

Anyway, I had a great time today with Ate Vicks, we went to SM manila, -- window shopping, had our groceries, bought a pair of shoes at So Fab, ate Pizza at Sbarro...

I'm tired, tapos work nanaman bukas.. ;)

Thursday, May 12, 2011


dear diary,

so, how was my day? it went well, it's just that I'm a bit irritated with someone. I'm sorry, but you're my diary, so I must not hide anything from you. I just hate loud people.

I am currently using my brother's laptop since I dont want to disturb the software i'm about to reinstall on my pc. it's been almost a year since I brought my laptop to a technician when a trojan pestered it. I had the "reformat thing" and i was not able to reinstall my Autocad right away.

Now, i need to have it back. My mom is asking me to draw the as built plans of our small shop/store. But something is misbehaving, i dont know if its my old laptop, the autocad installer, or they're just not compatible anymore... I hate it.. ofcourse, i wouldn't be able to do it at office. And i can't tell my mom i'm giving up  without finding other ways... I know she's also busy at work, she wouldn't have time to look for someone do it and  what's the purpose of having an engineer daughter.. eeerr

what now????

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Honestly, I’m a bit irritated every time I am told “oi nagsasalita kana! Kala ko dati mute ka”. .. Somebody just told me that again today. I always wanted to answer them back, “sensya na I talk only if necessary kase”.

I really can’t blame them, coz truly most of the people give me that impression. Yeah I am! Do you care to know what’s the reason behind it??

Maybe you could include me to the list of people with motto, “less talk, less mistake… , or maybe I have really nothing to say, or maybe I’m just too damn shy (hate it)…or because I hate not being heard when I'm talking so I dont dare,  or naturally I don’t mingle,  or maybe I hate people, you may add.

Abovementioned maybe true to me, but what I am sure of is I am not that tahimik talaga, ask my true friends. It’s just that only  few people I feel comfortable with..  If I’m with you and I talk a lot, then alam mo na yun… And sometimes it really takes much time before I’ll get out of my cloak, it depends on the kind of people I am with. .

I’m sorry to those people who misinterpret me, but I don’t have to change my ways just to please you. I can be civil but I won’t try hard not to be myself. Pero mabait naman ako..

Sunday, May 8, 2011



regret me not ;P

Maybe I’m about to reach the rupture point of my immaturity. Yeah, at least. I’m convinced that truly I’m a late bloomer. Now I’m catching the regrets of my wrong decisions and acts before.

I could swear that I’m trying to get rid of unhappy thoughts. But just like the old days, heartbreaking topics are sometimes the easier to write. But on the good side, it’s somehow helpful. It’s like throwing out your burdens into the ocean.

If you could read those pile of notebooks I kept during school days, consider it diaries, were filled with some distressful thoughts. But I’m not saying all of those, but maybe most of it.. You couldn’t blame me, I rather pour them down there rather than let them rot inside me.

So what’s the issue now? I had a not-so-brief introduction huh? Haha

The issue of wasting time! It’s pressuring me! I’m 26. I can feel wrinkles in my face about to come out and yet, I’m so uncertain of many things. I’m currently employed in one of the prestigious companies here in Philippines, but I can’t even tell you if I’m satisfied and happy here. . Staying for a bit longer or quitting is still a blurry to me.

Oh, surely I’m confusing you now for what really my topic is. Am I not?? This is about how I regret my action of not working right away, I mean after the board exam. I had told myself during the review that I just want to pass the exam. I didn’t plan to work instantly. I wanted to rest. So I had my first job 6 months after the result of the exam, because my batch mates are having their jobs, I got a bit jealous.

I wish I could turn back time , and had chosen the right course for me in college, just one in no doubt  and finish it in time. I should have realized then that's its not really only about the career path your taking or what school you're into, but its about your attitude, your confidence and perception in life.

So that’s all about regrets and resentment but I can’t spoil myself on that, I must not. So I’m moving on now and must be unfazed.


My brother said, he’s not a techie person. Isn’t that obvious huh? I don’t know what’s really running to his mind in buying these stuffs, instead of saving. I’m not sure if this is safe to be posted for everyone, for security purposes, I must keep this unexposed. But because I know there’s hardly any who read this page, then I won’t bother. This is just for keeps sake, to keep things that might be vanished someday. You know, just keeping a record.

He purchased all these in just a span of less than a year.. A portable DVD player, Tab, HP laptop, LG phone, Sony Ericson phone and his China phone (para daw sa holdaper in case, pero wag naman sana haha).

 I sometimes scold him for being so impulsive, but he always answers me that he wanted to see evidence of his pinagpaguran.. He’s a licensed nurse.  After having a two year work experience in a hospital in our hometown, he followed me here in Manila. We thought he went here to apply for abroad, instead, he found himself almost satisfied in a call center industry. He’s actually doing well.

As for my case, consider us opposite. I’m not really a grabber of such gadgets. I only got these, the old Nokia phone my parents gifted me for my graduation long time ago, my new Sony Ericson, my three year old Acer laptop almost sira na (my father gave me) and the camera I used in taking this(with my brother’s contribution too).

Believe it or not, the first phone I used my own money to purchase it is this sony Ericson. I need to buy an extra phone after losing my other one—actually that was given by my brother too. He had two cell phone units when he arrived here in manila, and you know what, I was the one responsible sa pagkawala ng mga yun.. Same cases, somebody snatched it from my bag. Hihihi

So that’s all for now!                                            

Thursday, May 5, 2011


my heart is about to break... i'm almost happy, but only for a while..


i'm supposed to do a lot of blah blah thing here tonight... kaso tinatamad ako.. (nonsense nanaman ako.. haha)