Sunday, June 5, 2011

Another Odinary Sunday

Sunday again—the only day I could shot a record of my whereabouts, so here’s for today.

Another usual day, so usual it may not even deserve a space in here. I woke up about 8:30 am. And for a lazy and not so good in cooking person would be worthy of just plain rice, salted egg and canned good for breakfast, I’m not complaining!

Clean the room a bit, junked what should be junked, I t made me realized I been keeping these trashes and useless items so long time ago. I’m that kind of person, I don’t easily drop things, no matter how less important those were, and even scrap.

Watched movie on our DVD player, Scream 4—I thought I’m already a graduate on movies as cruel or bloody as that, but sometimes I love guessing who the culprit is. And my guess was wrong!!.. Good job to the story writer of this movie!

After the movie, I asked my brother to treat me a Starbuck’s choco frappuccino there at Robinson, and he did, thanks to him. Before going home, I bought some fruit mix to at least give my system some nutritious food.

And just a while ago, I had my dinner, a lucky me hot and spicy pancit canton and a sliced of Gardenia classic bread.

That’s it. My life is boring right???!! Hehe… whatever.

 Good night!