Sunday, June 12, 2011

6/12/2011 movies

if not only for a nature tripping, then I prefer staying indoor, watch movies, surf the net, read different people’s blog, read books and rest my mind during my off.

So how did I spend my no-work day this time? It’s another movie marathon!

Last night I watched Priest, I was entertained, it’s not boring that there were moments I just found myself with my jaw down. Haha

I had three movies today, first one, Exorcismus, and I can say that one made me feel a bit dreary, I even told my brother to cut it and shift to another disc, but he refused to.

Also on the list, an Indian horror movie, Haunted.. It’s a bit corny but the effects were good enough. It’s somehow a combination of different movies I’ve watched already. Have you read my blog about the movie “secret”? Coz I don’t know if this movie copied the idea of travelling into time with the aid of a piano or things like that.

And my favorite.. A Crazy Little Thing Called Love, maybe you knew about it coz its quiet popular and recently ABS CBN aired this. It’s typical, so highschool, but they were able to make it amazingly cute. It made me laugh, and it made me sob a little too (hahaha). I was so touched the way the girl cried at the end part, it seemed so true. And I liked also the transformation of the cast, especially the girl, her being a “bug face” before was so natural.. I’m no teen, but I love this movie.


1 comment:

  1. i liked Crazy Little Thing Called Love too.. and i cried really bad at the same part you did. hahaha!
