Sunday, June 5, 2011


Writing down my endless thoughts is always been my passion. And that’s why I have this website, my AAA’s open diary. It doesn’t really matter if I’m expressing my views in correct manner  or not coz honestly, I’m not really good at it, I just loved doing it. Being once an engineering student, my hidden skill (if it could be considered a skill of mine haha) got blunted.

So what’s in AAA’s open diary? Its all about “my things” most of the people don’t know, its my experiences, my burdens, my happy moments, my opinions, my wishes, my reflections, my complains, my ideas and etceteras.. yeah, its something personal.

 But I chose to open 60% of it to public—I want also these few interested people learn and discover what’s in my mind, especially those matters I couldn’t voice out. The other 30% shared only for my contacts in multiply, about my bloody corny love stories, my exaggerated heartaches, my failures, my impossible dreams, oh, quiet sad topic huh, but when the time comes that I get to recover those say failures, I open them up for everybody, I also write in there about those people that influenced or touched my life, those people I should remember..  So what about the 10%, --I set it for my self only, some things that are truly madly deeply personal, a sort of a self to self interview.

Anyway, if in case you’ll find  yourself got lost on this website, I cant say enjoy reading, coz this is not a page of merely good thoughts, its about how I face the world and reality. But I would be glad if you’ll find it interesting… (but I guess its not.. hehe)

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