Monday, June 13, 2011

Dull day nanaman

i'm sorry that still i hate Mondays, coz that means, work again.. sounds like i hate working huh, that im truly a lazy one,yes I admt i am, but its only in my mind because I still go for work.

I tried being absent or just be late, but still I'm not.... so bad that whats in my mind always contradict with what I do.... or should I say, so good.. hahaha

I dont wanna be so "dakila". but sometimes I looked like I'm eager to be one...... but honestly, I dont want to, it seems not normal.

I like to break the rules sometimes, I bet thats fun, but i hate to admit that i have no enough strength to face the consequences....

Anyway, im getting far away from what I really want to post in here right now. I wanted to say that I just had a dull day, i was so irritated this morning while on my way to our project site. and when I reached the office, I felt so sleepy, tried coffee (which i dont usually do) to save myself.

my mind gone nowhere, i was trying to come up with a decision and ended up with nothing again.. hahaha..

Friends, maybe they could give me a lift.. so I grabbed my phone and texted them.. but unfortunately they've maybe gone so busy they dont wanna get involved with my mild insanity, hehe.. o, there was Risa, the only one who replied, thanks kords! hehe

i better be sleeping now... paranoia, get lost!!!

Good night myself!

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