Sunday, May 11, 2014

happy mothers day!

I agree that everyday, Mother's Day should be celebrated, not only for this single day, for mother's job has no specific time, its for always. But maybe its just an excuse for everyone to get more expressive today because everyone does. And I would too.

I'm not that someone who's being so vocal about how much I love my mom... I don't even remember when did I ever tell her that.. Every time I left home for long time, I would just give her a quick hug and said bye, though my heart is shrinking I have to leave them not knowing when to see them again..

There was one time during highschool (retreat or just one of my subjects) when our teacher made us cry by having some reflections about our parents, then we have to write letters to them, we've said so much like we are sorry, that we are thankful, that we love them, stuff like that because we were emotional.. Then the letters were handed to our parents.. Then I told my mom, "hindi totoo yung nasa letter".. hahaha, such a bratty and  ungrateful child I was! Haha.. (syempre totoo yung nasa letter, nahiya lang ako).

So that's it.. sabi ko nga di ako expressive, ngayon lang.. haha... To my mom, if i have to choose hundred times to who would my mother be, I will always choose you, I'm sorry if I can't be that someone you want me to be, don't worry about my happiness, I'm okay and I'm happy that I have you, thanks for everything, lets travel more in the future, i love you!

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