Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sleep Well

Sometimes you don't have to be appreciated by everyone, you don't have to be perfect, because you cannot be..

Remember, even if you are the nicest person in the room, there will always be someone who will see your bad side.. even you'll do your very best,  that wont be enough.

There will always be people who will call you ugly, will call you weird, will tell you that you're faking it, will treat you a loser.. even your friends sometimes will bring you down.

They may call you whatever, just  brace yourself and say I DONT CARE!!! life's too short to cling on things that bother you... there are always good things about life.. so live it!

And you know what, sometimes, you don't need everyone to like you, you only need just only one to make you feel special... to still be grateful of your mere existence despite your flaws... just someone who'll see the beauty in you behind your imperfectness.. who will make you feel winning though you are losing it, who could still make you smile though your tears are falling, someone who would also call you ugly but still loves you.. :)

(Maybe I'm talking to myself ... So this is good night,  sleep well, never mind them.)

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