Saturday, July 30, 2011


Today, one of my seniors had started endorsing her works to me... Wahhhh, it would be hard I know but there's no room for giving up, in a month from now she'll be in a maternity leave, so I'll be in charge with her usual tasks.

Today, i hated EXJR! yeah still.

Today, I met an old friend at SM-MOA, had a great time.

Today, I fell inlove with the fireworks.... amazing!

Today, I literally walked into the rain.. I lost my 2 day old umbrella.. somebody stole it! damn.

Today, I received a call from home, I missed them.

Today, a friend texted me, telling me my X-crush confessed his love to her, O my, I broke my heart again! hahahaha... am i meant to be broken forever? haha.. just kidding, I'll be happy for them, honest!

Today is Saturday and I love this day!

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