Tuesday, July 26, 2011

when you're sleepy but you just can't sleep

i can't think of any appropriate title for this, I just wanted to talk, i mean write... right now.

i'm actually half awake while doing this, my eyes about to fall, but I dont want to sleep yet. I was rolling back my entries here, reading them all over again. Some posts made me smile, laughed at my mistakes, my wrong grammars, mispelled words, and even those emotions and complains i thought i wouldn't get through of. Finally, I decided to unlock those posts i had moved on already... See? just jot down you're worries and soon you'll laugh at it..

latety, I've been pasting here nerve wracking and disheartening blah blah blah's of mine, but for now i can't keep it exposed, someday I will, when I'm over it.. hehe

now.. how was my day?? i dont know... all i'm aware of is, its a rainy day!

Good night!

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